38 research outputs found

    A methodology for near net shape process feasibility assessment

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    Manufacturing engineers are frequently asked to select the best process for creating components but often the judgement is qualitative rather than quantitative. This paper presents a methodology (DCFA – Differential Cost and Feasibility Analysis) for assessing the technological and economic feasibility of using Near Net Shape (NNS) processes for the manufacturing of specific components. The methodology examines changes in raw material usage and finish processes (e.g. machining processes) that would result from adaption of a new manufacturing process. To illustrate the method, a case study that assesses the feasibility of using centrifugal casting for the production of valve cages is detailed. The case study concludes that the application of this process to the current manufacturing lines could result in significant cost reductions (particularly in machining time and reduction of scrappage). The feasibility methodology is generic and can potentially be used to investigate the application of a broad range of NNS processes in general manufacturing applications. Further, the developed cost models also allow the economic impact of a new process to be assessed, even at the early stages of product design

    Concurrent optimization of process parameters and product design variables for near net shape manufacturing processes

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    This paper presents a new systematic approach to the optimization of both design and manufacturing variables across a multi-step production process. The approach assumes a generic manufacturing process in which an initial Near Net Shape (NNS) process is followed by a limited number of finishing operations. In this context the optimisation problem becomes a multi-variable problem in which the aim is to optimize by minimizing cost (or time) and improving technological performances (e.g. turning force). To enable such computation a methodology, named Conditional Design Optimization (CoDeO) is proposed which allows the modelling and simultaneous optimization of process parameters and product design (geometric variables), using single or multi-criteria optimization strategies. After investigation of CoDeO’s requirements, evolutionary algorithms, in particular Genetic Algorithms, are identified as the most suitable for overall NNS manufacturing chain optimization The CoDeO methodology is tested using an industrial case study that details a process chain composed of casting and machining processes. For the specific case study presented the optimized process resulted in cost savings of 22% (corresponding to equivalent machining time savings) and a 10% component weight reduction

    Process selection methodology for near net shape manufacturing

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    This paper presents a new selection methodology that for the first time supports the identification of Near Net Shape (NNS) processes. The methodology, known as "Product, Geometry, Manufacturing and Materials Matching" (ProGeMa3), is composed of four steps, which aim to minimize raw material usage and machining by adopting a NNS approach. A key component of the methodology is the Process Selection Matrix (ProSMa) that associates a component’s shape and production volume with its material requirements to reduce the number of candidate NNS processes. A final selection is then made from this shortlist by using fuzzy logic and considering other constraints and functional requirements. The ProGeMa3 selection process is illustrated by its application to an industrial component that resulted in changes to the processes used for its commercial manufacture. The ProGeMa3 and ProSMa presented in this paper aspires to be current and comprehensive for solid metallic components produced by casting, forging and additive technologies. However, ProSMa is also accessible as an open source resource available for other researcher to extend and adapt

    Near net shape manufacturing of metal : a review of approaches and their evolutions

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    In the last thirty years the concept of manufacturability has been applied to many different processes in numerous industries. This has resulted in the emergence of several different "Design for Manufacturing" methodologies which have in common the aim of reducing productions costs through the application of general manufacturing rules. Near net shape technologies have expanded these concepts, targeting mainly primary shaping process, such as casting or forging. The desired outcomes of manufacturability analysis for near-net-shape (NNS) processes are cost and lead/time reduction through minimization of process steps (in particular cutting and finishing operations) and raw material saving. Product quality improvement, variability reduction and component design functionality enhancement are also achievable through NNS optimization. Process parameters, product design and material selection are the changing variables in a manufacturing chain that interact in complex, non-linear ways. Consequently modeling and simulation play important roles in the investigation of alternative approaches. However defining the manufacturing capability of different processes is also a “moving target” because the various NNS technologies are constantly improving and evolving so there is challenge in accurately reflecting their requirements and capabilities. In the last decade, for example, CAD, CNC technologies and innovation in materials have impacted enormously on the development of NNS technologies. This paper reviews the different methods reported for NNS manufacturability assessment and examines how they can make an impact on cost, quality and process variability in the context of a specific production volume. The discussion identifies a lack of structured approaches, poor connection with process optimization methodologies and a lack of empirical models as gaps in the reported approaches

    A methodology for assessing the feasibility of producing components by flow forming

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    This paper describes a methodology for assessing the applicability of the flow forming process for the manufacture of specific components. The process starts by filtering potential candidates for flow forming from a component collection (e.g. company catalogue) and then carries out a detailed assessment of quantitative, technological and economic feasibility before determining a viable process plan. The process described uses analytical relationships and empirical criteria drawn from the literature.. A process time model (based on an analogy with CNC turning) is used to develop a hybrid cost model in order to evaluate economic feasibility. The paper concluded with a brief summary of the results of applying the process to an industrial case study

    Manufacture of graded porosity foams: simulation of local ultrasonic pressure and comparison with experimental results

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    The manufacture of polymeric solid foams with an engineered distribution of mechanical properties has been possible by irradiating ultrasound on a viscoelastic reacting mixture. Structures with a heterogeneous pore size distribution offer great advantages when compared to homogeneous distributions in many applications that require strength with minimal amount of material (e.g. airplane wings). However, manufacturing solutions lag well behind the demand of these components. Sonication has been recently demonstrated as a potential technique that can support these materials fabrication processes. The mechanism involves bubble growth in a polymeric melt undergoing foaming that is influenced by the ultrasonic environment (i.e. sound pressure, frequency and exposure time). Once the foam solidifies, the final porosity distribution within the solid reflects the sonication conditions. In order to obtain sophisticated distributions of porosity and porosity gradients, fine control on the acoustic pressure field has to be achieved. This paper presents an attempt to correlate acoustic pressure to porosity gradation by comparison of simulated acoustic field and engineered porosity analysed on experimental polyurethane foams. COMSOL Multiphysicsℱ has been used to recreate the process in the irradiation chamber; and the acoustic fields, both in the environment and the reaction vessel, have been simulated and validated. Results from this study will allow the optimisation of the manufacturing process of functionally tailored materials with the sonication method

    Identification of formation-stages in a polymeric foam customised by sonication via electrical resistivity measurements

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    The polymerisation reactions associated with foam formation have distinct stages (i.e. nucleation, growth, packing, stiffening, solidification) some of which are known to be more sensitive to external inputs than others. Consequently, precise detection of the start and end points of each of the polymerisation stages would enable the fine control of material properties such as porosity in solid foams. The development of such process control can only be pursued if those sensitive stages can be clearly distinguished during the manufacture process. This paper reports how an electrical resistivity tracking method was used to assess the differences in the foaming processes when ultrasound was irradiated to polymeric melts undergoing foaming with the aim of tailoring the architecture of the final solid matrix. The electrical resistivity tracking method is also appraised with regard to its suitability to accurately identify the formation stages in the foam

    Outsourcing labour to the cloud

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    Various forms of open sourcing to the online population are establishing themselves as cheap, effective methods of getting work done. These have revolutionised the traditional methods for innovation and have contributed to the enrichment of the concept of 'open innovation'. To date, the literature concerning this emerging topic has been spread across a diverse number of media, disciplines and academic journals. This paper attempts for the first time to survey the emerging phenomenon of open outsourcing of work to the internet using 'cloud computing'. The paper describes the volunteer origins and recent commercialisation of this business service. It then surveys the current platforms, applications and academic literature. Based on this, a generic classification for crowdsourcing tasks and a number of performance metrics are proposed. After discussing strengths and limitations, the paper concludes with an agenda for academic research in this new area

    The use of non-intrusive user logging to capture engineering rationale, knowledge and intent during the product life cycle

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    Within the context of Life Cycle Engineering it is important that structured engineering information and knowledge are captured at all phases of the product life cycle for future reference. This is especially the case for long life cycle projects which see a large number of engineering decisions made at the early to mid-stages of a product's life cycle that are needed to inform engineering decisions later on in the process. A key aspect of technology management will be the capturing of knowledge through out the product life cycle. Numerous attempts have been made to apply knowledge capture techniques to formalise engineering decision rationale and processes; however, these tend to be associated with substantial overheads on the engineer and the company through cognitive process interruptions and additional costs/time. Indeed, when life cycle deadlines come closer these capturing techniques are abandoned due the need to produce a final solution. This paper describes work carried out for non-intrusively capturing and formalising product life cycle knowledge by demonstrating the automated capture of engineering processes/rationale using user logging via an immersive virtual reality system for cable harness design and assembly planning. Associated post-experimental analyses are described which demonstrate the formalisation of structured design processes and decision representations in the form of IDEF diagrams and structured engineering change information. Potential future research directions involving more thorough logging of users are also outlined

    Design and validation of a fixture for positive incremental sheet forming

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    Incremental sheet forming is an emerging manufacturing technique in which sheet metal is formed into desired shape through the application of localized force using a hemispherical tool. Potential advantages of the process are its relatively low cost and small lead times, and these have to be balanced against the disadvantages of low dimensional accuracy and a limited understanding of the process’ internal mechanics. Incremental sheet forming system can be classified as positive, or negative, depending on whether the sheet material is progressively deformed onto a protrusion or a cavity. In negative systems, the work piece is held on a static fixture; whereas, in positive incremental sheet forming, the fixture must be incrementally lowered onto a protruding die. Although the vertical movement of positive incremental sheet forming fixtures is easily illustrated schematically, its implementation is challenging; if the descent is actuated, the motion has to be carefully coordinated with those of the forming tool; if free sliding on vertical columns, the rig must move without jamming or rocking. This article reports the development and testing of a positive incremental sheet forming fixture design that uses nylon sleeve bushes. Symmetric and asymmetric components were formed using the designed fixture, modular wooden dies and a rotating tool with multiple diameters and the results are discussed